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Chromebook を初期状態にリセットする - Chromebook ヘルプ
表示されるボックスで [Powerwash] [続行] を選択します。 表示される手順に沿って、お使いの Google アカウントでログインします。 注: Chromebook をリセットした後、最初のログインに使用したアカウントが所有者アカウントになります。

Reset your Chromebook to factory settings - Chromebook Help - Google Help
In the box that appears, select Powerwash Continue. Follow the steps that appear and sign in with your Google Account. Note: The account you sign in with after you reset your Chromebook will be the owner account. Once you've reset your Chromebook: Follow the onscreen instructions to set up your Chromebook; Check if the problem is fixed; Get ...

Je Chromebook terugzetten op de fabrieksinstellingen
Selecteer in het vak dat verschijnt de optie Powerwash Doorgaan. Volg de stappen die worden getoond en log in met je Google-account. Opmerking: Het account waarmee je inlogt nadat je de Chromebook hebt gereset, wordt het eigenaarsaccount. Nadat je de Chromebook hebt gereset: Volg de instructies op het scherm om je Chromebook in te stellen.

Restablecer los ajustes de fábrica de un Chromebook
En el cuadro que aparece, selecciona Powerwash Continuar. Sigue los pasos que se muestran e inicia sesión en tu cuenta de Google. Nota: La cuenta con la que inicies sesión después de restablecer el Chromebook será la cuenta del propietario. Una vez que hayas restablecido el Chromebook, haz lo siguiente:

Chromebook auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen
Wählen Sie im eingeblendeten Feld die Option Powerwash Weiter aus. Folgen Sie der Anleitung auf dem Bildschirm und melden Sie sich mit Ihrem Google-Konto an. Hinweis: Das Konto, mit dem Sie sich nach dem Zurücksetzen Ihres Chromebooks anmelden, ist dann das Eigentümerkonto. Sobald Sie Ihr Chromebook zurückgesetzt haben:

Reset your Pixelbook - Pixelbook Help - Google Help
Factory reset ("Powerwash") Perform a factory reset when you want to make your device run like new again. For instance, you may want to factory reset if you are transferring ownership of the device to another person. Performing a factory reset erases all the information on your device 's hard drive, and gives Chrome OS a fresh start.

Wipe ChromeOS device data
You can wipe local device and user data for troubleshooting, data removal, or other reasons. If the device is enrolled in your organization, you can remotely wipe device data.

Reset your Chromebook hardware - Chromebook Help - Google Help
To fix some Chromebook problems, you might need to reset your Chromebook hardware, also called a hard reset. Try a hard reset only after other ways to fix the problem have fail

Powerwash key sequence (Ctrl+Alf+Shift+R) not working on Chromebook ...
Have tried the powerwash key sequence (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R) multiple times. Have shutdown and restarted; Have tried the powerwash before logging in and after logging in; Have tried the powerwash sequence as soon as the laptop starts booting; Have had others try the powerwash sequence; Have deprovisioned the devices and then tried the sequence.

I'm trying to powerwash. I've pressed and hold Ctrl + Alt + Shift + r ...
I'm trying to powerwash because I can't log in. They keys don''t work or they type one thing endlessly, independent of me. I've pressed and held Ctrl + Alt + Shift + r. That one finally worked, a screen comes up. But I can't even select Restart.




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